Friday, January 21, 2011

My Mornings

I've never been one for waking up early. As much as I'd like to be a "morning person", I just can't drag myself out of bed super early unless there is something I absolutely have to do/somewhere to be. At this point in my life, sleep is something I don't get a lot of. My husband works the typical 8-5 job (with a commute that's 7:30am-6pm) so we often stay up pretty late just so it feels like we get to see each other. I have to admit though, right now I am loving morning here at our house. The older kids ( just turned 4 and 2 yrs 9 months) wake up when Nathan is getting ready to leave and they lay in bed playing or watching scooby-doo dvd's, and I get to snuggle with Harper and doze in and out of light's heaven!
 Have you ever realized that your first actions and thoughts of the day can really affect the outlook of your whole day?? If I wake up and immediately have a bad attitude when the kids start screaming "MOMMMYYY GET ME CHOCOLATE MILKKK!!!" then that attitude stays with me all morning and sometimes all day. If I decide to hop out of bed cheerfully it makes all the difference. I know that I can't have the good attitude on my own and saying a little prayer that God will give me patience and joy for the day helps tremendously! I really encourage you to wake up and have a positive attitude as soon as you open your eyes. Choose to be joyful and thankful for every blessing and you will have a better day. Happiness really is serving others! **Plus most of the time Harper stays asleep while I'm helping the other kids and I get to hop back in bed and cuddle with her some more :)

Proverbs 17:22  A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.