Saturday, March 5, 2011

Illuminate Workshop Details

I'm really excited about this class that I'm going to be giving. When I bought my first dslr (to get better photos of my kids), using it in Manual Mode wasn't something I even wanted to try. In fact, I ignored that "M" for a long time. I was getting OK shots in AUTO or No-Flash, but the truth was that I just had no idea where to even begin and the stuff that I read confused me. When I finally learned (and guess what, it's really not that difficult to learn!) I couldn't believe I had waited so long. You paid all that money for an expensive camera so it only makes sense to learn how to use it! 
Here are a few of the topics we will cover:

  • Shooting in Manual Mode
  • Using available & natural light instead of flash
  • Shooting in all types of light during all times of day
  • Setting up the shot 
  • Depth of Field 
  • Metering
  • Histograms

We will have two hours of "class time" which will be very hands on, and one hour of shooting with models (outdoors). The Friday class we will be shooting at Legacy Park and the Saturday class will be shooting in downtown Lee's Summit. Bring your camera, a pen and any questions that you have! Handouts will be provided.

And here are our gorgeous models for the Saturday class! (minus her baby bump:)

And for the Friday class I am currently looking for some children ages 7-10...because if you can shoot children, you can shoot anyone! :)
Whether you're shooting for fun or thinking about getting into the photography business, I'd love to help you learn from my experience.


  1. Julia would like to be your model! let me know

  2. I'm taking the Sat. April 2nd class!! I'm so super excited:)

  3. I just signed up for the Friday class in a couple of weeks.... my bday is on the 20th so it was my birthday present :) Can't wait!
