Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Here we goooo!!

Today we launched our new website! We're so excited to share it with everyone and it's been something we've been working on for a few months now. It all started back in the fall when I told Nathan that there is a need for modern, stylish and affordable photoshop templates. At first I'm not sure if he gave it much thought, but then he started designing...and he hasn't stopped since.  I'm so glad that he's found a creative outlet and it's something that will hopefully be very beneficial to many photographers.  Head over to the site and check it out! We have a few blog posts up already to give you an idea of what kind of things we'll be blogging about. We are going to be doing giveaways, interviews with photographers and inspiration of all sorts.  The shop isn't open quite yet, but you can still check out the products. Nathan designed everything SUPER user friendly. You install the actions and push play and they will direct you through everything! We have printed several products and they look awesome! We would love your support while we get this new endeavor launched...please spread the word about Inspired Standard! Share on your facebook page, tweet about it, leave us some comments and send us your inspirational ideas! 

Like us on FACEBOOK


  1. This is awesome Amanda! I love it! We should chat about doing a giveaway on my blog sometime in the future. :)

  2. Wow, it looks great! When do you think the shop will be open? I'll definitely be using it!

  3. Anna,

    Glad you like them. Store open soon (tomorrow, I hope). Be sure to connect with us on facebook or twitter to get the announcement.


  4. The website looks great, I can't wait to use the templates for my blog, will they work with Lightroom?

  5. Unfortunately they don't work with lightroom- they were created in photoshop and work with layers. Do you have elements? We are going to have them tested with elements and see if they work in there, which they should!

  6. I don't have an editing program at all yet, I'm waiting to see where my passion for photography is going to take me before deciding what type of editing process I need. I downloaded Lightroom for a trial, but it totally bogged down my computer, I think it took up to much of my memory or something so I took it off, plus it was a little complicated... right now I'm just having fun taking pictures:)
