Monday, May 24, 2010

YELLOW! This week at Iheartfaces the photo challenge is "yellow". At first I couldn't think of anything that I have with a "yellow" theme, but then I remembered one of my all time favorite shots...from my very first photo shoot ("professional" shoot :)  I was really nervous and was hoping that I'd get some good shots and when I saw this one I knew I'd be ok. This is Hannah, she just finished her Junior year of high school and I love her completely natural and joyous expression in this photo.  I was sad the other day when I drove by the spot we took this photo and they had cleared it out to put a mcdonalds more sunflowers. I'm glad we got to use the field though while it was still there! Here's my photo:

To see more "yellow" themed photos check out!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Iheartfaces photo challenge: Faces & Flowers

This week at iheartfaces the challenge is "Faces & Flowers"...I've been getting a lot of my daughter with flowers from the backyard this spring, so it's hard to choose just one! I know that the one I picked may seem a little strange because it's so close to her face and out of first I thought i'd trash it since I wasn't focused on her..but I'm so glad I didn't because it really is beautiful of her. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

E-Session: Stephanie & Dan

I've known Stephanie since we were really young (like REALLY young!). We had the pleasure of growing up next door to each other. Her family had three girls and my family had three girls and their three girls were all one year different from our three! I was the oldest and Steph was in the middle. I got to baby-sit her and her younger sister Jessie one year before school and I can still remember her "performances" of Trisha Yearwoods "How Do I Live" (which she made me judge and rate on a scale of 1-10). When she asked me about doing her October wedding I was thrilled! Plus I knew that she and Dan (who is absolutely PERFECT for her) would be game for anything with engagement photos :)  Here are a few favorites...
Can't wait for the wedding in October, guys!