Monday, June 6, 2011

Danae & Evan....just for fun of my very best friends in high school and thanks to facebook I still get to keep up with her life in Oklahoma. I always knew that she would be successful, and I was right. She just graduated from Law school (yeah, that's right, she's going to be a lawyer!!) and lives in Oklahoma now with her amazingly sweet husband, Evan. I'm so happy that she found someone who is so perfect for her. And their one year anniversary is next week! When I saw that she was coming to KC I begged her to do a session, and thankfully she agreed :) This is one of my favorite sessions, we got to just have fun and enjoy the beautiful sunset. 


  1. Absolutely gorgeous couple! And I love that area at Longview!

  2. Evan looks so handsome in these! THANK YOU! It was a honor to have our pictures taken by you :)
